Lovely limited editionmind travel” 5x7” postcards and prints from around the world.

I’ve been receiving a number of requests for prints, along with questions about the postcards I’ve been posting photos of, and here they are! Each postcard is 5 x 7”, printed on thick stock paper, and ready to be mailed to loved ones, print sizes are your choice, to hang on your wall and let your mind travel while being stuck at home. Postcards available until they’re gone, prints available until they’re gone!

*This week (December 7 - 13) is the week “mind travel”, of past travels around the world.

If the image you're interested in isn’t listed here, and to enquire about a quote, please feel free to contact me at Please attach the image you’d like to have printed, the desired size and include the postal code of your mailing address.

Thank you for your kind words and support!. Please take care of yourself and loved ones.